BCC AGM at Marconi Sailing club followed by a paddle afterwards.
If you have anything you would like to discuss/have included in the AGM please forward to the club secretary Mike as soon as possible.
Anyone wanting to go on a paddle afterwards is welcome provided you have your own suitable boat/equipment and you are able to cope with the weather and sea conditions on the day. The final decision on whether you can/cannot participate will be made by the senior coaches/sea kayak leaders.We can’t predict the weather.
Previous post AGM paddles have proved very popular. Bring your own packed lunch and drinks. Bring a mug if you want tea/coffee during the AGM. A program of the days events will be sent before the meeting along with health and safety guidance. We are very grateful to Marconi Sailing Club for allowing us to use their facilities to host Bramston Canoe Club AGM and hope to continue to use this venue for future events.
John H. Vice Chairman BCC.