As part of the AGM there will be the usual election of members to serve on the 2022/2023 committee. The following positions need to be
filled: Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary, Events Co-Ordinator, Equipment Officer, Committee member – Other.
The secretary position is an important role to fill but as yet we have no volunteers come forward. Fortunately we have already had one member volunteer for each of: Treasurer, Chair, Equipment, events and Other.
However if you would like to volunteer and stand for election for any of the above roles OR nominate somebody (preferably with their consent!) please do get in touch with myself or any other committee member and make it known. Taking on a committee role is not as much work or as time consuming as it may seem and can be very good experience. Further, there are always other things the club could use help with such as promotion, website, safety, coaching etc so if there are any members that would be happy to volunteer their time to help it would be very much appreciated.
Weather permitting, there will be a club sea paddle from Marconi SC after the AGM so bring your boats and paddling gear!