August 19th-20th Friday eve Wild camp (big boats) Details TBC
Sea Paddle Bradwell public slip to Burnham on Crouch. Wind/weather W F3 at West Mersea, and Burnham Marshes sunny 24C LW 12:04 1.4m, HW 18:20 4.9m at Holliwell Point HW 06:12 4.3m, LW 12:01 1.4m Bradwell Waterside Radio channel 16 and 72 Shuttle set up for 08:00 meet at Rice and Co, Sea End Boat […]
August 27th 29th Sat-Mon. Essex Sea kayak meet With Clive MCC and Lollystix (multiple sea kayak trips over the whole weekend, program tba)
September 9th/10th/11th WW trip to North Wales (Tryweryn – see forum) Please make yourself known if interested in this trip. You will have to book your own accommodation – see forum.